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My work focuses on the decayed and entropic urban landscapes that change through the progression of modernisation. This work was a collage of various photos from my daily life, taken of random waste and clutter.


Drawing allows me to blend these progressions and sceneries seamlessly, the use of hard lines (rather than my usual soft blocks of colour in oil painting) adding a raw quality and texture creating both clarity and ambiguity.


My landscapes explores time and entropy, this drawing was a collage of various debris in many locations around my neighborhood. Once clean areas, it was a source of constant for me, as I headed on my way out everyday; a part of my daily ritual now transformed into a chaotic site. The form resembles a garden, its earliest history as a part of nature, continuing its cycle in reinventing itself, its spare parts are never wasted, only to become something new. Each stage of its legacy still remains, simply metamorphosed. Now it seems everywhere I go Sydney is in a state of metamorphosis. I try to represent and piece together these discardings and waste in a whimsical way.

Watering My Industrial Garden - Alice Xu

  • 100 x 70cm

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